(i) Whenever you think about The Game.
One interpretation is that any thought involving The Game constitutes loss. Therefore, the objective of this version is to forget about The Game. Experienced players can think about, and even discuss, The Game without realising they have lost. Not announcing this loss violates Rule 3. Whether or not a thought is about The Game is hard to define. For example, does thinking about this website count as thinking about The Game?
(ii) Whenever you remember that you are playing The Game.
There is a point at which you realise you are playing The Game without realising this means you have lost. Loss at this point would mean that the objective of this version is to forget that you are playing The Game. It is still possible to not realise that you have lost this version of The Game.
(iii) Whenever you then realise that you have lost.
When you become aware that you should lose, you lose. This version of The Game has seemingly paradoxical properties. The objective is to not realise you have lost. Unfortunately, the rule "Whenever you realise that you have lost, you have lost" does not explain how you lose to new players. However, this version of The Game prevents accidental cheating.
(iv) Whenever you realise you have thought about The Game.
It is possible to realise that you have thought about The Game without realising you have lost. This version still allows accidental cheating but significantly reduces it.
After reading these possibilities, you could well have forgotten that you are always playing The Game. No matter what version of the rules you play, you are playing The Game. You are thinking about The Game. You know you are thinking about The Game. Lose The Game. If you haven't just lost The Game, hopefully you have now. Only a true master could read this whole paragraph without losing The Game.
Комментарии (2)
liond999 (47)
29. августа, 2009.г.
п*здец название сайта, зайди и ты ЛОх, нехороший домен(
Uranium (38)
29. августа, 2009.г.
а 15 августа Fallout on-line заработал ^_^
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